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Monday, 09 December 2024



I liked the ramen on my one visit to HiroNori, but the parking situation always deters me from returning. I don't think I've ever had Santouka's ramen.

I was hoping someone (like you) would do a UTC ramen review!


Yes, parking is terrible in Hillcrest unless you want to pay $$ Sandy! I'll work on a UTC compilation once the holidays are over. Hopefully Ujin will be open by then as well.


Ah yes -- looking forward to your UTC ramen cook-off! We've settled into Ramen Nagi as our favorite. The line can be daunting but it always seems to move quickly.


I had really thought of going to Nagi, but ended up at HiroNori Peter! I just don't want to deal with the holiday crowds.....though considering how parking is in Hillcrest.....


nice you are getting your ramen fixes! cold anything in a ramen bowl is a no no


Yes, totally Kat....I hate cold tamago and other "stuffs" in my ramen!

Som Tommy

Hironori looks really good. Our coworkers are hooked on the garlic ramen from Buta. Would like to know what you think about it.


You are a real rebel ordering shoyu ramen.


Nice. I remember when Andrew Zimmern reviewed Ultra for his TV show he famously exclaimed "Best tonkatsu ramen in America might just be in San Diego!"


Ok, Buta is fairly close by so let me check them out ST!

Lol Soo!

Yes, I totally remember that Junichi! ;o) Drove me crazy....


Ok, Tommy already asked abt Buta!


Love HiroNori!

Yes I think "tonkatsu" is the normal pronunciation by people not familiar with the Japanese language, that's how all my Mainland friends here say it :) That, and "musubi" is "mah-sue-be" lol


Yes, thinking about dropping by next week Franklin!

Mah-su-be...Lol Mar! Reminds me of one of my old coworkers who used call the dish "beef strokin-off"! ;o)


I had exactly the same bowl order at Hironori that you had. Wow. That hit the spot and was so yummy. We got there right at 11:30 when they opened and it was empty and by the time we left it was full. The fact the trolley doesn't go through hillcrest is the height of stupidity.


Glad you got your fix Dereck! Man, if only there was trolley service to Hillcrest and North Park. I recall seeing the old trolley tracks on University and 30th when they were repairing the road there! And also the Kearny Mesa up Balboa from the trolley stop to Convoy!


I don't go out for ramen much these days but Santouka has always been my most consistent bowl over the years too.

If you're craving a bowl of Khao Soi, Buta makes a pretty good one called Golden Curry Ramen


I'll check that out after I try the garlic ramen several folks have recommended at Buta Jack!

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