It's funny how doing a bit of travelling will expand your life and even add new items into your routine. Take for instance, Yomie's Rice x Yogurt which opened off Convoy back in May of last year. Honestly, I'm not much of a Boba drinks kinda guy and I just put Yomie's into that "bucket". Plus, ever since our return from Taiwan, the Missus has gotten some major sticker shock regarding the prices in tea shops, with one notable exception. More on that in a future post.
Before heading back to Oahu we stayed in Sydney for four days. Instead of staying right in the middle of CBD (not, it's not what you think, CBD = "Central Business District" here), we stayed right on the Southern edge of the district in the area known as Chippendale (and no, it has nothing to do with what just came to your mind either). It was close to transportation and I thought we might enjoy the area. Which we did immensely. We spend a good part; or even most of each day just wandering and exploring, and there seems to be a boba/tea/frozen yogurt shop on every corner; which totally reminded us of Taiwan.
Anyway, on one of our "walks" we passed this place.
Look familiar? Anyway, the Missus was fascinated, it was a warm day, and so we went in and ordered two Jujube Yogurts, one with the purple rice, the other without. We both enjoyed it; though that Purple Rice is quite filling....well, it was quite filling period as we could only do half of each cup. It looked somewhat pricey at $6,7 AUD....BUT, with the exchange rate it was like $4.40 US! Anyway we returned a couple of days later and split the Haw version. Sadly, as we enjoyed our treats while walking, I never took photos. I actually never thought I'd post on the place as we were quite "busy".
Upon returning, I found out that this location was the original as Yomie's was started in Sydney!
I mentioned to the Missus that Yomie's had a shop in San Diego; in Plaza del Sol off Convoy and She seemed quite interested! We also went to check out the location in Ala Moana Center and the prices looked good; being in the mid $6 range. Unfortunately, they didn't have Jujube or Haw which is what the Missus was craving.
To my surprise, after lunch one day, the Missus instructed me to drop by Yomie's Convoy. The place opens at 11 and I was thinking the parking lot might be crowded, but with China Max and other businesses having not reopened yet, we easily found parking.
The place was quite fact, we've been the only customers in the place on all our visits....yes, we've been back like four times already!
The menu looked similar to that in Sydney, which made the Missus happy. Though, we got major sticker shock at the prices.
Most everything is over eights bucks? Yikes! More expensive than Ala Moana Center, how can that be? At that moment, we decided on the "Yomie's rule". Since the yogurt smoothies are pretty filling; we get one and share.
Here are our current favorites.
We always go with the "less sugar" option. Our current favorite is the Matcha Red Bean Yogurt ($8.50).
The matcha adds a nice earthy-chlorophyllic flavor and is a good foil for the sweet-nutty red bean. We usually get this without the signature purple (forbidden rice). It's quite refreshing.
Other than that; we will usually get the Red Bean; sometimes with the purple rice ($8.50), sometimes without ($8.25).
The Missus also enjoys the Jujube versions as well. We haven't tried any of the fresh fruit versions; perhaps during the summer?
Yomie's touts the health benefits of both the yogurt (the probiotics) and the purple rice (antioxidants) and claims everything is made fresh inhouse.
Well, it is the current favorite of the Missus and we've developed the "Yomie's rule" to deal with the price. And even though I don't have much of a "sweet tooth" I do enjoy the refreshing "less sugar" option. And heck, we've even been to the original location!
Yomie’s Rice X Yogurt
4688 Convoy St. Suite 109
San Diego, CA 92111
I love Yomie! This is basically the only “fun” drink I get when I’m out, besides coffee sometimes :)
Posted by: LL | Friday, 08 November 2024 at 10:48 AM
Yes, we enjoy Yomie's as well LL! You have great taste! ;o)
Posted by: Kirk | Friday, 08 November 2024 at 03:52 PM
Posted by: kat | Saturday, 09 November 2024 at 09:22 PM
It's a nice treat for us Kat!
Posted by: Kirk | Sunday, 10 November 2024 at 06:28 AM
I have passed this place so many times. I need to try them
Posted by: Som Tommy | Monday, 11 November 2024 at 07:04 AM
I'm not much of a dessert kinda guy ST, but I like Yomie's!
Posted by: Kirk | Monday, 11 November 2024 at 10:30 AM