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Tuesday, 24 September 2024



In my experience, inconsistent opening hours is a sign of poor management and poor management usually leads to poor food. Honestly, from the photos, I would have walked away and left the stuff behind. Did not look appealing. There is a reason why it's the survival of the fittest in the restaurant biz....


I think you made the right choice on this one -- better places out there.


I think one and done here is the answer. I appreciate the hustle of small shops like this but as a consumer if the food isn't great then I don't need to return - I don't grade on a curve if it's a mom-and-pop establishment.


Yeah, you know, I didn't want to "strike out" for the third time Kenneth!

Yes, I'm sure there are Peter.

Good point James!


I don't like places that aren't open when there hours indicate they should be open. I'd be in no hurry to return.


Yeah, it was a waste of time and gas Soo!


Time to move on lol.
Is the new place you mentioned Mama G's? I just read about that and might try soon.


I agree Dave! Yes, the place is Mama G's; have been there once already. Will do another visit before posting!


I agree with the group that this place isn't worth going out of your way for again. Plus, the "any kine" operating hours is really annoying haha.

Have you been to Eli's Peruvian Kitchen in City Heights/Talmadge? I have not visited yet, but have heard positive things about the food, especially the chicken.


Been to Eli's twice Mar:

Though not since Covid. I think as of this moment; it might be the best Peruvian in SD. They've got some pretty limited hours.
Also, if you ever wonder what places I've been to that are still open by area. You might enjoy this:

Hope you enjoy Eli's; I need to return there soon!

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