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Monday, 12 August 2024



Glad you were able to reconnect with an old friend, talk about a coincidence!


I know that really was a surprise Jason!


What a nice surprise visit with an old friend. I really miss the crack seed store at the Ala Moana mall; I liked their li hing ginger. I will need to stock up on my next visit to The Crack Seed Store.


Yes, it was quite a surprise Sandy! Hope you get to stock up on your next visit.


What a great surprise! Ala Moana sure has changed (and not for the better, either) but going home is always a treat because of the places and people who are exactly as we remember them.


It was quite a surprise James! This was an especially enjoyable visit!


Cool that you ran into your old friend there, Kirk -- lots to catch up on, I'll bet! Never made it to Rumors, Point After or Bobby McGee's -- my wife-to-be and I always made a beeline to the Wave when we visited Waikiki.


Good lord the Wave! Talk about a blast from the past Peter! You just made my day!


Crack seed store post is bringing me back to my hanabata days....and might as well throw in Spats at the Hyatt too!


My goodness Jack...Spats, you fancy! Uncle Guido would be so proud! ;o)


so cool you ran into an old friend


Yes, that was quite a surprise Kat!


Aiyaa. Went from unko status to ji-chan. Guess I will have to mentally prepare for that day. Point After brings back some memories.


Yes, that really caught me off guard Kyle!


Thanks so much for the kind mention, Kirk! ^_^ It is pretty neat that we are still blogging after all these years, yeah? I'm honored to be a fellow long time blogger with you ^_^
- Kathy


Oh my; it's so nice to hear from you Kathy! I'm actually surprised that I'm still doing this stuff....probably not able to stop, huh? Thanks again for all the great recommendations on Onolicious Hawaii!

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