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Monday, 06 May 2024



nice that the burnt ends were meaty


The place where time stands still! We ate there the other day and thought the Q was fine. Not world famous, but good for the price. We noticed that the pie display had been moved and was told they had to do this because street people were coming into the restaurant and stealing pies! Glad it's still part of our neighborhood.


A slab of ribs is tempting.


The Mister always asks for burnt ends or the end cut at picnics or restaurants, kat; he just expects there to be fat and was surprised it was all (crisped) meat. He liked it as a sandwich.

It's so nice to maintain the old ways, Kenneth. Yes, the pie case was sort of always a trust thing; pay for it and pick a slice when you are ready for dessert. We are fortunate to have Barbecue Pit so close.

The slab of ribs is quite a meal, Soo!

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