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Wednesday, 01 November 2023



My wife and I found this place when we moved to the area. I swear if it was in Mission Valley or UTC they'd be packed and it'd be insanely successful. It's easily one of the best kept secrets in the Allied Gardens/Grantville area and I've never had a bad meal there.


Cool find Cathy -- and right around the corner from Maya's Cookies!


Interesting place you found!


interesting! and everything sounded lovely


It's great that you live so close and were able to discover Test Kitchen, Loren. I know that Kirk has posted about various Office Park eateries with good results and now it will be my quest! The meals we had were remarkably good.

Maya's Cookies, Peter? Oh, I need to drive around and pay attention! Thanks.

Only saw the feather flag "Lunch" and am so happy to have stopped in, Soo. Definitely checking out more Office Parks; everyone has to eat!

The places with limited menus are the best, kat.

Som Tommy

Nice find, I need to grab some lunch from there


So happy we stopped here, ST. Seriously fresh food, good prices, friendly people.


Very cool! Would this happen to be the same location that Chris' Ono Grinds used to be a number of years ago?


I hadn't been in this area in a *very* long time, Jack, - there are apartment buildings closer to Mission Gorge seems so differrent. I don't remember Chris' Ono Grinds had been, but the Office Park area is quite busy.

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