Recently, I as headed to Paris Sandwiches to grab me a banh mi for lunch. I parked and started walking over to Paris, when, for some reason Trining's caught my eye. It had been a couple of years since I last visited and I wandered on over. I wasn't sure the place was open since the sign wasn't on.
But as I walked on over I noticed folks eating and waiting for their orders.
From previous experience I knew what was available from what was on the white board.
I saw a customer at one of the tables attacking what looked like looked pretty good so I ordered that along with the Beef Kaldereta. These days a two item plate costs $12.99 and when paying I found out there's a $1 upcharge for sisig. I think it might be a good idea for folks to know stuff like that?
I drove back to the office and unpacked my lunch.
So this comes with three, not two scoops of rice....really bad quality rice, the color wasn't right, no fragrance, terrible mealy texture.
The Kaldereta was the better of the two items. Though the beef was sinewy, it wasn't overly tough. Nice savory-tanginess. Though not quite as good as the version I had here last time, it was definitely better than the sisig.
This actually looked quite good when the guy was eating it and at first glance. A closer look and I started noticing how dark the lechon was. And guess what? Just like the last time I had it here, the pork was super hard. The peppers were "shibai" and there was almost no "heat", nor enough sourness, and not enough onion to make a difference in the dish at all.
Ok, so I got distracted. Sometimes you win, sometimes you get mediocre sisig...... There are, in my opinion, much better options in this mall.
Trining's Bakery & Cafe
10606 Camino Ruiz
San Diego, CA 92126
Posted by: kat | Thursday, 28 September 2023 at 09:59 PM
That's too bad they don't make the rice or pork right.
Posted by: Soo | Friday, 29 September 2023 at 08:32 AM
Yikes. Bad rice and hard lechon. Not good eats.
Posted by: Junichi | Friday, 29 September 2023 at 10:30 AM
Yes, it was disappointing Kat!
I know Soo. It was a bummer.
Quite disappointing Junichi!
Posted by: Kirk | Saturday, 30 September 2023 at 02:23 PM