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Monday, 14 August 2023





Thanks for the post as this place is FAR from me so not likely I’m making it very soon unless you had loved it. Thanks again and take care.


It was good Kat!

Yes, not worth a special trip RD! Of course, if you're going to drop by TunaVille, it might be worth it.


I get down to that area once in a while, and will try this out sometime. Maybe before a show at Humphrey's..


It is worth trying if you're in the area Dereck. Though the restaurant is pretty small.


Yeah, even though we love Tommy, we visited Tunaville when it first opened but found it hard to consistently go there given the distance to us. We actually end up going to Hawaiian Fresh Seafood when we want fresh fish since they have a fish case (they just moved a new place too!). Like you, maybe we need to pair a trip to Tunaville with a visit to this new restaurant and give it a try, so thanks for the post!


Yeah, I gotta get a post done on the new location at Centerpark Labs Jason!


I went to Supannee Thai for the first time, and and made a mental note to try Meet Dumpling next time. However, I'm not often in this area, so who knows when that will be. Guess I'll have to combine it with a stop at Tunaville.

I didn't realize that Hawaiian Fresh Seafood moved; thanks for the heads up, Jason. I saw a social media photo of the line outside, and thought someone mis-identified the restaurant.


It's worth a try if you're in the area Sandy! Also great to combine with other stops if it's out of the way.

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