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Thursday, 27 July 2023



Nowadays it's hard to find a lunch for under 10 bucks, so I totally understand why folks will frequent these places that offer a lot of "ok" food for the money. Glad these little shops are still in business though, really important for the office businesses in the area to have a cheap and fast food option.


nice that their prices haven’t gone up much, hoping they can stay in business


You found some great deal meals!


Time to add yakisoba sauce to your office pantry! Can't beat those prices and portions.


I'm quite happy to see these places are still in business and seem to be doing quite well Jason!

I hope so too Kat!

Yes, the prices at these places are really good Soo.

Perhaps I need to Junichi! And really appreciate the reasonable prices.


Hi Kirk! That yakisoba is what I feel like I get whenever I order yakisoba from a new place.

Up here I can still find good banh mi for $6-7, but I miss the ubiquitous and cheap burritos I used to get in San Diego 10 years ago. The nearest burrito place to my house charges $15/burrito. I know workers have to be paid fairly but it still feels ouch on the wallet. I remember when I said to you that I felt like more than $10 per dish was an expensive dinner. Those were the days!


My goodness $15 burritos! It's getting pricy here MrZ; but it hasn't quite crossed that threshold yet. It's great hearing from you and I hope all is well!

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