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Wednesday, 11 January 2023



A friend had been travelling in December, and wasn't aware of the egg shortage. Before Christmas, I was at Costco to buy eggs. They were out of the 2 dozen pack, so I bought the 5 dozen pack. As you can guess, we've been eating a lot of eggs!

I think I had only been to La Miche once. I walked by it in early December, and didn't notice any signs about their closure.


Yes, we didn't realize there as a shortage Sandy! La Miche closed on January 1st, I wish I knew, I'd have stopped by to say goodbye.


bummer…hoping you can get some eggs soon


I get my eggs from the Farmers Market which is why I didn't even know about the shortage Kat! Hopefully, everyone will be able to get they eggs they want.


That's alot of sad news.


I was at Ralph's yesterday, and eggs were more expensive but available. In contrast, whole chickens, thighs, and drumsticks were going for 99 cents a pound. Pretty weird.


Last time I was at Sprouts all their house brand eggs were all sold out. Had to settle for local ones that were slightly more expensive. The bird flu was supposedly really bad this year. Bummer about La Miche. Never had the chance to try them out.


Yes, quite sad Soo!

I was looking for boneless chicken thighs and had to go to three places to fins some ALNC! It's kind of strange right now.

We really enjoyed La Miche Juichi! Sad to see them close.


It must be the local boy in me who thought of Yum Yum Tree when I saw "Yum Yum" in this post.


Oh my goodness, talk about a blast from the past James!


Country Waffles replacing La Miche:


Sigh....thanks for the update Junichi!

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