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Wednesday, 07 September 2022





How do you “revive” your baguettes? Would love some tips.


looks like you found a nice gem!


What makes a baguette "bien cuite"? Looks like a fun place to shop.


Nice find! Those snacks are tempting.


What a find! Can't imagine a store like this in that location but I hope it's doing well.

You mentioned earlier about March of 2020, with the empty shelves in the stores. At about that time, I bought some "French Mediterranean White Bread Flour" from Anson Mills. They get the wheat from Provence. It made a nice levain. I'm going to try some of the T45 from your market on Lusk. Thanks.


Lol James! ALL IN CAPS TOO! ;o)

It's pretty easy Stephanie, heat oven to 350-375, place a tray in the bottom of the oven, put wire rack for baguette in oven. Once at right temp, place baguette on wire rack and pour 1 1/2 cup water in tray for steam. Will take about 3-7 minutes.

Yes, I've been quite happy Kat!

"Bien Cuite" refers to a darker more crusty baguette Sandy.

Check them out Soo!

Let me know how things turn out ALNC!


This is one of my regular stops on the way home from my old office. I have to say that the iberico tenderloin he has there is fantastic also!!


It is a nice little market Dereck!

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