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Wednesday, 31 August 2022



weird sign…


They probably got the sign backwards! Mon - Sun!


Silly Americans. Sunday is the start of each week. ;P


Kinda funny Kat!

So maybe they should fix it Junichi? Though that sign and the older dudes watching Paw Patrol was pretty funny!

And is Monday the end of it P? ;o)


Those men were hanging out in the parking lot during the shutdown. Now I guess they're back but outside the door? LOL


Well, there are several groups TFD. Outside Pho Hoa, outside the market in the parking lot, and outside watching Paw Patrol! ;o)


Speaking of banh mi, I had one at Ba Le in Mira Mesa. I hadn't been there in a long time, but my sister-in-law likes their sandwiches. It was better than I had remembered, but I would say Phuong Nga was better (albeit more expensive). I also saw the banner for Pho Lucky, which you mention in a newer post.


I need to my "Banh Mi" rounds again Sandy!

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