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Wednesday, 13 July 2022



beautiful park & walk


I really enjoy Heritage Park Kat!


It's a wonderful place to visit. An interesting fact about Beth Israel they soon moved to the synagogue building at 3rd and Laurel in Hillcrest (now the home of Ohr Shalom synagogue) and then 10-20 years ago moved across from UTC.

It's rather fascinating path to take and it's something amazing to see when in Europe or the Middle East holy buildings would just be seized by one group or the other. Heck in Spain you can see a layer cake in some locations of churches on top of mosques on top of synagogues on top of temples to some Roman God, all pretty much taken by force.

In the US they got along well enough to provide one group a home when the original decided to move onward.

Som Tommy

Cool houses


Ha! I have been to Old Town park probably 100 times and never knew that Heritage Park exists.. I will check this out with an arepa also!


Love the historic houses!


We visited many former Church => Mosque => Churches in Europe Loren.......which were especially distinctive in the Souther/Southeastern Spain/France.

Very cool ST!

Hope you enjoy Dereck!

Wonderful place for a relaxing visit Soo.

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