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Wednesday, 01 June 2022



Besides the poke, I like the fish and chips to the extent that I've never tried the other kitchen items!


everything looked fresh & delicious!


Should add, the fish they sell in their fish case is also sushi grade, so if you're into DIY poke that's a great place to get it from.


I'll have to try the fish and chips.

Som Tommy

I love this place. Have to try the fish and chips now


I understand completely, Sandy! Sort of curious about the shrimp, but usually have a craving before parking.

Don't think there is a bad choice to be made here, Kat.

I hadn't paid attention, Jason; thanks for the tip.

Oh yes, you definitely should, Soo.

Isn't it a wonderful spot, ST? The fish and chips are really good.


Wow! I’ve never had ahí fried, looks amazing. I’m planning a visit in August and this is on the list for sure. Yum!


You will *really* enjoy it, Sandy. Be sure to go to this location; the Liberty Station of HFS only sells poke and has no kitchen.


When I'm in the area it's always a toss up between HFS and Supernatural. Both are excellent for seafood.


So true, Junichi. We are fortunate to have good, quality choices in that part of town.

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