A few weeks back, the Missus was craving Her favorite Bun Rieu, so I went to pick some up. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, I was told that there was at least an hour wait for the Bun Rieu. I suddenly had an idea; I placed my order and decided to push my luck and see if I could find parking near Tu Thanh. I had tried to grab my favorite Bun Mang Vit in San Diego from Tu Thanh during the previous month, but there was no parking to be found within 4-5 blocks, so I ended up at "plan B" 777 Noodle House. Still my craving for Bun Mang Vit went unabated.
Well, I guess it was my lucky day, I found parking half a block away and greedily headed to Tu Thanh.
These days Tu Thanh opens at 9 and I arrived at 930 and there were no customers in the place.
Not sure what the drill is these days; I went up to the window and placed my order.
And then went and sat at a table. I took a look around the room and quickly noticed at the pile of children's toys stacked up on a freezer. I guess Covid has meant that there had to be options in place if childcare and school is not available?
As I waited for my noodle soup my mind wandered......Tu Thanh is one of those "places" that I have been going to for ages. Well, sort of; you see, back in 2006, I used to go to A Chinese Fast-Food shop...well, sort of a Chinese Fast Food Shop named Chinese Kitchen. Along with the Fried Rice, Chow Mein, and other "standards", none of which I ever tried, there was a menu posted with Vietnamese Specialties. In fact, the other name the place was known as was "Chi Tu Thanh Nha Hang". Then nearly 7 years later, Tu Thanh's namesake restaurant opened and I've been going there ever since.
Soon enough the Nuoc Mam Gung and my eating utensils arrived. The utensils were delivered in a little basket. I'm guessing with Covid, they don't just lay out the eating implements on tables anymore.
The look and the fragrance of the Nuoc Mam Gung was comforting. Back in March of 2021 I'd done take out from Tu Thanh and the sauce was lacking in garlic and ginger and was much too sweet. This was return to what I expected and enjoyed.
My noodle soup and duck arrived. Over time, I'd resigned myself to the fact that banana blossom was no longer included with the Bun Mang Vit. Also, the quantity of dried bamboo shoot has gone down gradually over the years, reducing the amount of earthy tones in the broth. And I'm sure that ever rising costs and Covid supply chain issues have had an affect as well.
Still, on this day at least, the noodles were perfectly firm enough and slippery, the broth was nicely flavored, not overly MSG heavy. The broth does get better as the meal goes along because of the way I eat the duck with this dish. And that gingery-garlicky-savory-mildly sweet sauce was on point.
The duck was sliced to a good thinness for the dish, had a good toothsomeness, and was oh so "ducky" if you know what I mean.
As for how I eat this; well that's been that's been documented in earlier posts:
"Chi Tu Thanh taught me to eat things this way years ago. For the duck; I dip it in the broth...it warms it up a bit (a good study in temperature and flavor) and in the end adds a bit of flavor to the broth; it then gets a dunk in the sauce, which livens things up. The veggies get the same....what ever escapes adds to the flavor of the rather neutral flavored broth. A dunk in the steaming broth (as it was this day) changes the texture of the herbs a vegetables and whatever escapes adds to the flavor of the broth...those stray veggies do eventually get a dip in the sauce as well."
And over the meal, because I let the bamboo shoots steep in the hot broth, the flavor gets better and better.
And yes, it's not as amazing as it used to be; but it's still darn good!
Funny thing, the young lady who I ordered from initially spoke to me in Vietnamese and was a bit surprised that I didn't speak that language. As I paid at the register she asked me how I enjoyed my meal and then asked me how I had heard of Tu Thanh. I told her that even though I'm not a regular customer, I've been eating the Bun Mang Vit from the days of Chinese Kitchen. Which got quite a funny, surprised look from her.
And yes, I am so very thankful that places like Tu Thanh, Minh Ky, Phuong Nga, and Mien Trung are still around for us to enjoy. And hopefully will be around for many more years!
Tu Thanh
4804 University Ave. #A
San Diego, CA 92105
Current Hours:
Thurs - Tues 9am - 7pm
Closed on Wednesday
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