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Monday, 07 March 2022



I've heard many great things about Zgara and need to visit. Ironically my office is right around the corner but I've been wfh'ing for two years now. As a result, I've been able to enjoy more of the food in Chula Vista since I can do pick up's during the week when places aren't absolutely mobbed.


looks great!


Seems like my situation is the opposite Joy! ;o) Hope you get the chance to check them out.

It was Kat!


We were doing Menya Ultra takeout on a regular basis. It was so much easier to get takeout than getting a table in the before times. Even though they are doing dine in now, I still do takeout, ordering online. I do miss the miso ramen kit; I think they have only the tonkotsu kit now.


Glad to hear it's still going strong, I try to go when I visit Catalina Offshore Products but sometimes it's too early. Will try to go during lunch time soon.


And for a while they had what they called "Shio Tonkotsu" Sandy....and I think they are temporarily using a different type of wheat for their noodles....oh the supply chain issues! We too just do takeout form Menya still.

It was good to see Zgara doing well Jason! Hope you enjoy your visit.


Bay Park Fish Company
Test Kitchen
Viewpoint Brewing

For the record half of those are my wife's fault and I'm sticking with that story :-p


Current rotation:

-- Din Tai Fung (Ubereats delivery)
-- Green China Grill

Have done Din Tai Fung home delivery maybe 7 times over the past couple months -- actually ate there in person for the first time last week -- top notch.

Been to Green China Grill several times over the past couple of months -- love the spicy noodles and cold apps. Seems like they have new-ish owner/management -- has improved from our visits a couple years ago.

Both have many excellent vegan options, which is a plus since my wife and I no longer eat meat/dairy. ;-)


Zgara's still on my list of go-to places. Thanks for posting about them at the old PB location! Also, they take orders online so my usual tactic has been to place an order, drive over to pick it up, then drive over to the bay to eat by the water.


Lol Loren! Hope all is well.

Man, haven't been to Green China Grill in a while Peter. I need to revisit. Thanks for the reminder!

That sounds like a great plan Derric

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