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Sunday, 20 March 2022



at least the mussels did not disappoint


My thought: It's not necessary to make multiple visits before you post your impressions in this COVID world. It seems that many of the times when you do, your original opinion is confirmed anyway.

Som Tommy

I was wondering about this place. It gets a lot of hype from people in the office


Yes I think one and done is perfectly fine for a freelance blog. The food isn’t comp’d by an employer so there’s a monetary consideration, and consistency is on them (the restaurant) and shouldn’t require multiple trips by a diner - we don’t get discounts when food is too salty, not warm, packaged badly, etc so that being your experience and mentioning it is fair game, even if it’s one time. They should strive for excellence every time. The only drawback is in not being able to get a better feel for more of the dishes, imho, especially at places that run the gamut and do a bunch of different items/cuisines.


I really appreciate that Kirk makes more than one visit to a place before posting on it. More fair that way.


Yes, that was the best dish Kat!

Thanks Peter; I appreciate your input!

Well, there you go ST.

Hi Joy - You know, especially in my line of work there's validation and due diligence; and the last thing I want is discounts and free food. And like you stated, I want to get a good range of dishes.

Thanks ALNC; I appreciate your opinion. It is definitely a more balanced approach in my opinion. I'll keep doing that as much as possible, though prices now have made revisits for these type of places tougher.


It's definitely tough to do multiple visits to higher-end places. I've had a few one and done spots recently too.


Yes, especially with prices these days Junichi!

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