mmm-yoso!!!, the food blog, is being written by Cathy today while Kirk is very busy at work.
The last time we went to Little Sheep was in February 2020, BC (Before Covid). The spicy broth, multiple flavors and textures were a craving, while the ability to use metal utensils and cook a meal at the table was something we just wanted to do. Things look the same inside. There is still a special lunch menu.
We decided on the House Spicy Soup base, mixed with the mushroom/vegetarian base (not yin-yang style, which I suppose would be a prettier photo, but the flavor blend was great) (soup base is $4.25/person).
My choice was the fish filet lunch. ($9.70) Five large, thick portions of fish along with fresh noodles, frozen tofu, assorted (beef, pork and lamb) meatballs, pieces of 'krab', shiitake mushrooms, potato slices, squash, cabbage and chrysanthemum greens (tangho).
The Mister decided to try the Beef Belly Lunch ($9.70) All of the accompaniments are the same for all of the lunches.
We also chose add ons of wood-ear mushroom and soft tofu ($1 each). Cooling bites if not put into the broth but also tasty when cooked.
Little Sheep Mongolian HotPot 4718 Clairmont Mesa Blvd San Diego, 92117 (858) 274-2040 Website Open Mon-Th 11:30-9, Fri-Sat 11:30-10. Sun 11:30-9:30Some of the broth leftovers.
wow that is a lot of chili!
Posted by: kat | Wednesday, 17 November 2021 at 09:10 PM
We did eat almost all of the garlic; there was a lot more chili parts in the bottom of the pot. Sometimes, The Mister and I just get a craving for this kind of spicy, Kat. You can purchase boxes of Little Sheep brand Hot Pot spices at local markets (and we have) and the soup/liquid needs to be a large amount-or we only use half the box for a meal.
Posted by: Cathy | Thursday, 18 November 2021 at 04:15 AM