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Sunday, 03 October 2021


Lynn @ Oh-So Yummy

I've been in the office the whole time (other than maternity leave). We still order to-go mostly and stick to local (or fairly close) food spots. Family keeps bringing us home made food and we can't turn that down! =)


I'd been doing 2-3 days in the office, but am now back (mostly) full time Lynn! Hope all is well!


I'm still working from home. At the beginning of summer, the return date was after Labor Day. As the delta variant spread, the date was pushed to mid-October, and now the return is January 3. We have done some dine-in, but mostly it's still takeout. Speaking of sandwich delis, Sandwich Emporium on Mira Mesa closed.


Yes, I heard that SE on MM had closed Sandy. We'd been back to takeout only since the end of July, but things are looking a bit better these days; so maybe....


I'm working from home till next year. I am doing well. Been driving to Julian and trying the pie places. Thanks for asking.


super mario love the naming:)


Glad you are doing well Soo!

I know; they have some pretty cool names for their sandwiches Kat!


I'm on hybrid mode right now. 2 days in the office and the rest from home. I only dine out for things that don't travel well like Yakitori and ramen. The rest I cook at home.


Yeah, I was on sort of that hybrid schedule for most of 2021 Junichi. I'm kinda glad at being back in the office.

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