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Monday, 25 October 2021



glad this shop has managed to stay around.


Kirk, thank you (and Cathy) for continuing to post. I went to Mammoth for my first official travel trip. It was amazing. I made all meals in the cabin but it was so nice to be in nature again. I so appreciate your blog as a connection to the "outside" world. I got my booster so I feel much safer to be out and about. Still no dining in but at least I am rambling around our great city! Again, thank you and the Missus for being on the front line.


I am too Kat!

Hi Barbara - It's so great to hear from you! I'm glad you are able to do some travel and get out into nature! I'm glad you are well. I was wondering how you were doing. thank you for making my day!

Black Belt Jonez

Hi Kirk!

What brand of butane burner is that? I meant to ask you in your most recent Woomiok post seeing as I'm in the market for one at the moment. I'm definitely feeling the soup weather!


Hi BBJ - It's great hearing from you! We have an Iwatani Brand butane burner. Hope all is well!

Kenneth Bonus

And today, we're back to gazpacho, right?


Thank you for the kind words Kirk!


I was actually going to look to see if I could find some really ripe tomatoes for Salmorejo Ken!

Thank for reading and all the comments Barbara.

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