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Monday, 23 August 2021



lots of delicious looking choices!


I like the food at California Fish Grill, but it's been awhile since I've eaten there. Time for a visit soon!


A good variety here and really good quality, Kat.

Yes, Sandy- I want to try some of the grilled fish choices next. Everything so far has been great.


They had some great tasting trout:


Wow-trout isn't on the menu right now, Soo; it's good to know that the availability is indeed seasonal and not frozen.I grew up with fresh water trout and ocean trout is different.


I'll have to try this place again. I went once and was not impressed. For me it was a philosophical issue - they market themselves as a healthy choice and yet my fish was swimming in and covered by grease. Maybe I just got the wrong thing and I shall give them a second chance.


Oh, that would make me not want to go back, Joy. You can see from my photos that everything had a good fry and was not greasy; I would mention it. Give it another try.

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