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Friday, 02 July 2021



Wow! That was a great walk. I like visiting the market before it gets busy too.


that walk was long but a nice way to see your area :)


I did part of the walk (the bridges on the west side of Balboa Park) and had the same thought, I really should spend more time exploring SD. Some of those canyon trails under the bridges looked like fun, too.


Yes, it's less crowded early on Soo!

I did enjoy it Kat!

I'm thinking about doing Maple and Florida Canyons Sandy. It'll give me a interesting view of the bridges as well.


What a coincidence - I was thinking of doing the same walk this coming weekend! (maybe minus the last 2 bridges) Glad to see you enjoyed it.


I did enjoy the walk Si! Though that last part from the Hillcrest Farmers Market back to Balboa Park seemed a bit boring. So perhaps a stop at Sunnyboy Biscuits or something to break it up might be worthwhile? Have fun!


Awesome! I've done about half those bridges, but now I want to do that 7 bridge loop. It sounds right up my alley and would be a change from the "perimeter of Coronado" trek I've done a few times, which is similar in length.


Hope you enjoy it Jan!


I lived in Hillcrest and University Heights for several years, and just as a matter of getting around had walked much of that northern half of the walk many times. However, I never knew it was part of a larger urban trail! I'll have to try it. Looks like AllTrails has a bunch of urban walks in the region. Thanks for this post.


I am amazed at how much of San Diego I don't know much about....even in my neighborhood Jessica! I've been using Alltrails and some other sites/apps to help me find ways to get out and about.

Lynnea Fleming

They're all great bridges indeed! other than the suspension bridge(which I've only walked over a half dozen times or so for fun) all those bridges have been essential to my maneuvering throughout the city. Glad you had a chance to meet them too :)


I really enjoyed this walk Lynnea!


Glad you were able to do the 7 Bridges Walk! It's quite fun. I have done it twice and left super early when it was still nice and cool (and at the time, deserted) out. Bread & Cie was one of the stops too, ha ha.

The Georgia St. Bridge was retrofitted a few years ago and it was weird seeing it taken apart (each block was labeled).

Bert and I have walked "under" the bridges - starting with the Maple Canyon trail which ends in Mission Hills and going back up through Arroyo Canyon.

There are a lot of hidden gems all over San Diego - fun walks and forays into nature that Bert and I discovered (and continue to frequent) during covid times.

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