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Wednesday, 23 June 2021



Great find! Sometimes the best meals are found in a market's takeout section. I like that a half sandwich portion is an option!


what a great selection of items, everything sounded delicious!


I agree, great find! Love these types of posts almost as much as I like sausage crumbled onto my pizza instead of the sausage discs so common in SD.


Was at the salad bar there today and no gloves!


One of my favorite items there is the sheet cake - I think it's 9" and it has an old-fashioned taste that's almost impossible to find nowadays. And at $6, it's a steal.


Whenever going out shopping, we try to eat first at the store, cc. Various Asian and Mexican market steam tray/eat in areas give us additions to the shopping list.

Everything in the 'Grab and Go' area has been really tasty and excellent quality, Kat.

Real crumbles of sausage, exactly, RD! Little things like that from here are notable. Old fashioned, made in house quality.

Oh no, Wendy! I've always been aware of cross contamination and had been relieved to see more precautions taken than before Covid-19.


Real buttercream frosting, James; that's the flavor we grew up with-both the chocolate and vanilla frosting are excellent. The cake/batter by itself is of better quality too...I'm thinking extra eggs or whipping of the batter before baking. (the prices here are very reasonable)


Are those sushi rolls in spring roll wrappers? If so, brilliant!


You caught that, JF! Yes, quite brilliant- and pretty!

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