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Thursday, 27 May 2021



I'm glad you guys went! I just sent an email to the site about the curry ramen and the tempura as being excellent so I'm happy it met your approval. This is quite a surprise find and now its where my wife & I go for tempura and udon.


I'm thrilled you guys were able to revisit and try the Curry Udon/Tempura. I sent an email to the site about these dishes at Wa Dining Okan because they came up as among the best places for udon and tempura. Since trying it a few weeks ago its where my wife and I go specifically for both those dishes and we couldn't be happier. However we only go for dinner.

We also discovered the spicy cucumber salad on the menu is quite good too. Not as good as Din Tai Fung but a fairly reasonable alternative for some (non fried) veggies and crunch.


everything looked delicious!


The Mister has had some particular cravings for Japanese curry, Loren. I do pay attention to how items are fried and must say that Okan really knows how to give a proper fry, which we also cannot achieve at home. Will have to check out the spicy cucumber next visit; thanks for the tip!

Everything here is delicious and quality, Kat.


We haven't been to Wa Dining Okan since forever! Now that I will be on summer break soon, it is time to pay a revisit! Thanks for sharing your visit. I love the variety in their sets.


I think with the outdoor tables, there is more seating than usual, cc. The quality has remained the same and we really enjoy it here.

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