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Friday, 12 February 2021



Happy Lunar New Year!! I ate a lot of banh tet this week haha.


Gung hay fat choy! Nice dinner for new year, and yay that you were able to time the pickups. Even better yay that you enjoyed the food! Last lunar new year, I had dinner with friends at Noble Chef. It seems like a lifetime ago.


Happy Lunar New Year! We got some crabs at 99 ranch (which was super busy) then had them cooked at Sam Woo. Very good but heavy on the MSG! Glad to hear you guys had some good food! Take care


Gong hei fat choy


hoping 2021 will be good for everyone!


I'm glad you're getting your "fix" Elle! Happy Lunar New Year!

Getting together with friends and family seems like a distant memory these days. My hope that we'll be able to return to that in 2022 Sandy!

Xin Nian Kuai Le Soo!

I truly hope so too Kat! Glad you both were not overly affected by the earthquake!


Happy lunar new year! People were lighting fireworks in Linda Vista late Thursday evening. Woke me up in the middle of the night.


Happy Lunar New Year Junichi! Sounds like folks really had to blow off some steam! Hope all is well.


A belated (unless you are among those who celebrate for all the days leading up to the full moon and are therefore technically still celebrating) "Xin nian kuai le!" to you and the Missus and Frankie (and Cathy)! Wishing good health to you all and as much peace as is possible in these unusual and often challenging days. I hope the craziness at work will slow down a bit soon and that you and the Missus can eventually get back to the traveling you both enjoy doing so much!


Thanks, Dancing.
I did not know we could get crabs cooked at Sam Woo, RD!
We really like everything from Sizzling Pot King, Kirk. Happy Year of the Ox!


Happy Lunar New Year Dancing! Hoping that this one will be much better than the last. Hope all is well! Thanks again for the womderful comments!

Thanks Cathy! SPK has become a go-to on those evenings where I'm too tired to cook or we don't know what to get.

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