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Thursday, 18 February 2021


Som Tommy

I pick up lunch from here almost every week. It’s very affordable


Happy Belated birthday!!

I looked up their menu, I think I'd get the stewed green beans as a side, I'm a sucker for fasolakia.I make it myself and turn it into a giant stew with garbanzos, olives, potatoes, you name it, lots of lemon and dill. Then I sprinkle feta over each serving. I make a massive batch and freeze most of it. (we don't have good greek food in my area)


It is very well priced ST!

Nice! Let me know if that's worth trying H! Nice to hear from you; hope all is well.


I have had the pork gyro meal. It was good but like you I prefer Zgara.


Even with the price increase that's still a steal. Haven't been around that area in a while since most breweries are to-go only.


happy belated birthday


Yeah, it's a good value though Soo.

It sure is Junichi! Hopefully we'll stay the course and you'll be revisiting tasting rooms.

Thanks Kat!

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