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Monday, 07 December 2020



glad you got some comfort food.


While it wasn't quite as good as before; it did the job Kat!


I wonder if you could request the cauliflower when you order.


I'm not sure Jason. I will say that the cauliflower is supposed to be part of the "base" (along with potato/mung bean) of the dry pot. I think they are just trying to cut costs.


With the new stay at home order restaurants cutting costs is understandable. They need to do whatever it takes to survive. CNN had a grim article today predicting 10,000 restaurants will close within the next 3 weeks.


Yes, I read that article Junichi, quite sad. It would help if places let folks know of changes in the base of what they are serving; especially if, like Sizzling Pot King, they have marked off what they are out of for other things and clearly state that all their combos automatically come with potato/cauliflower/celery/bean sprouts as a base. On my second visit I asked if the dry pot still came with cauliflower and was told "yes"....perhaps it was a communication issue. Can you imagine; if say Menya started using JFC noodles to cut costs and not tell anyone? Yikes!


Menya with JFC noodles. That would be hilarious. Tatsuki and Menma didn't make it through the pandemic. It would be a tragedy if Menya and HiroNori shut down too.


I think Menya will do fine Junichi. I just went to HiroNori for takeout the other week before the latest lock down and they were doing some good business. I'm hoping they survive.

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