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Monday, 21 December 2020


Kenneth Bonus

As usual, you are so Pho King right! Big headline about Zion market hit with $500K fine for systematic hiring of undocumented workers. Guess we'll be seeing a price increase to cover the cost of the fine. Happy and safe holidays to you and the missus!


Lol Ken. BTW, I think it might be the third time this has happened. I once went to Zion to find a dude with all the "gear" - it was ICE doing a raid. Hope you have the best possible Holidays Ken!


Pho King 2020! Great post! Enjoyed the pictures, food descriptions and have a similar sense of frustration about how awful people can be to each other, including the guy who flicked his cigarette. Sorry you had to deal with that! Happiest of holidays!


what a jerk! glad you didn’t get burned. take care & stay safe!


Yes, Pho King 2020 alright RD! Hope all is well. Happy Holidays!

I know Kat....oh well; can't do much about that now.


Pho King 2020. Amen.


Mmm... Now I wanna go to Minh Ky and order some noodles.


Totally Junichi! That says it all.....

Go for it Soo! Call in your order and piuck up is quick.


Drove down for the weekend a couple weeks ago to take the kiddo to the Safari park for my birthday (yes my - lucky kid) and I thought of you kirk!

Hit up Original Sab - E- Lee - forgot about the spice levels.. woo! Post dinner run was a spicy one.

Stay safe and best wishes to you and your wife!!


Happy Holidays Charlie! It's so great to hear from you. I've found that as I get older; my tolerance for spice has waned a bit..... Happy Holidays and be Safe!

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