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Friday, 11 December 2020



Looks pretty good, everyone deserves their guilty pleasure sometimes... glad you got yours!


Thanks Jason! Yes, this tasted really good. Hope all is well.


Glad you finally got your fix!


That's a lot of people ordering/picking up food at 9:20am. Yes, the salt & pepper wings are definitely a guilty pleasure, and I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed the wings. The last time I picked up wings, I didn't even mind the lingering smell of fried chicken in my car!


glad you got your fix, have a good weekend


The wings hold up well on the drive home? I've been eating a lot of fried food in my car.


I was quite surprised Sandy! And for some strange reason having my car smell like S&P wings was comforting.

Thanks Junichi!

Hope you have a great and safe weekend Kat!

They hold up quite well Soo. That's why RM is a favorite for all those Filipino parties.


Just ate for lunch hehe. Dennis decided to get 100 wing size for family this time because the medium size wasn't enough from our last group order! There are no wings just like this in our area!


Lol Lynn - Great minds think alike, right? I haven't found anything close to RM wings north of the 94 yet! Happy holidays!

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