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Tuesday, 18 August 2020



I agree, I'd appreciate the "don't order that" recommendation. I think restaurants realize that folks aren't getting an optimum dining experience from takeout, I'm glad Prime Grill is trying to limit any potential negative experience.


aw Frankie! stay cool & safe all of you:)


Yes, that doesn't happen as often as it should Jason.

He sure knows how to make himself comfortable Kat! Take care!


I would have thought that bi bim naengmyun would hold up ok for takeout. I would love to have bim bim bap, but I would really miss the stone pot.


That's good Frankie is staying cool!


I thought so too Sandy....but I guess not according to that woman.

He's doing his best to make himself comfortable Soo!

Derek R

Guess it's time to get a stone POT LOL. That chicken also looks pretty rough =/

Derek R

Oops, didn't mean to capitalize pot! Unrelated, I've had good covid takeout from Alfron.


Lol Derek (at least you didn't type "stoned pot")! I was thinking of Alforon - especially like their garlic paste; but I haven't ventured that far East yet....maybe its about time....


I was driving back from Vegas on Sunday. At state line the car registered 122 degrees! We definitely are wimps when it comes to heat in San Diego. Lots of cars were overheating on the uphill out of Nevada.


But it's a "dry heat" right Junichi??? ;o)


I have yet to try Prime Grill but heard their current AYCE option (in parking lot?) was a decent try.

I have never heard of a swamp cooler so I'm glad Frankie is managing this heat! My little one has been enjoying bits of this heat when he wanders outside to lay on floor (even if it's for a few minutes!).


I'm kinda tempted to have a meal there Faye.... Glad your little one is doing ok in this heat.


We finally gave in and got A/C installed four years ago, after 15+ years of living here without. In the past a vornado fan and some windows open was fine but we live in a higher-density area and it's just gotten hotter and hotter each year and everyone with windows open has gotten noisier and noisier. We haven't regretted the A/C install one bit for the few times a year we run it (but our place is pretty small and already prepped for A/c so not too outrageously expensive to get A/C). Where we used to live everyone had swamp coolers and those worked great except for the very few muggy days of the year (mostly dry desert heat all year round there though - perfect for swamp coolers). Frankie looks comfy and is hopefully staying warm in the suddenly very cold weather we've been having (like this past weekend was downright blustery!). As you can tell, I love seeing Frankie pics! =)


And Frankie does indeed love the attention Dancing! We hope all is well.


Thanks for the replies to all the comments! And yes it really does feel like THE LONGEST month of March EVER. Hopefully fewer "days of March" will go by before I next get time to catch up on a bunch of your awesome blog posts. Well wishes to you and the Missus and Frankie too, of course! (oh and Cathy too!) =)


We always love your comments Dancing!

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