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Tuesday, 21 July 2020



Your wife is an awesome walker! That's good you found sandwiches you like nearby.

barbara paddock

Oh gosh, they all look delicious. Thank you for posting. I aspire to take long walks like your wife! Thank you for posting.


She is indeed Soo....

I hope you're able to take leisurely and fun walks; for as long as and wherever your heart desires soon Barbara! Take care!


Holy moly that's quite a walk for the missus. I hit the trails on the weekends. Most people don't wear masks though which concerns me. So many folks huffing and puffing up the mountain sending droplets into the air.


The Missus' treks are something else; it's not the distance, but the up and down the canyons that would get me. Since the pandemic, I've been walking up and down the hills more in my neighborhood, and my endurance has improved. What shoes does the Missus wear for these hikes? Rubicon's sandwiches look so good; I haven't had dutch crunch bread in years.

Hangzhou Hero

With all those sandwiches, maybe walking off those Rubicon's is just the missus thinking ahead!


glad she is keeping sane :) take care and stay safe everyone


Yes, She likes to hike/walk Junichi! The Missus has also complained to me about groups of folks not wearing masks and such.

Hi Sandy - The Missus boguht a couple of different hiking shoes form REI. I can ask which one she currently uses if you like.

LOL HH! I guess I better start walking too, huh?

Thanks Kat!


Yes, please ask the Missus about the shoes. I'm always on the lookout for a good pair of shoes for walking.


I walk a lot. Bay Park to Regents, and then Sprouts on Genesee back to Bay Park? Impressive! And oh man what a great post. Starving now.


Hi Sandy - The brand the Missus likes is Salomon; She has three different pairs and said they are all quite good. Hope this works out for you.

Yes, She does like to hike/walk Jan! Hope you got a fix for that hunger! ;o)


Rubicon is great, and don't forget about their homemade potato chips. I usually kill that little bag before I even unwrap the sando!


Hey Dereck - You know; I've never had the chips from Rubicon....mainly because I can barely; and most times can't even finish a half sandwich.....thanks for the recommendation though.

Lynnea Fleming

Oh those sandwiches look great! I think I did ask about Rubicon deli way back when I first saw their Mission Hills location open. I still haven't been there since I usually only stop in that area around 9:30AM to pick up supplies from Shakespeare's Corner Shoppe...but maybe I need to make a point of trying out those sandwiches! :)


I did recall you mentioning Rubicon Lynnea. So, I guess I'm not quite going senile yet....I think! Do try them out when you get a chance.

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