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Monday, 15 June 2020



Does noble chef make their own duck or do they source it from somewhere? Looks great! Cheers!


glad the missus got her roast duck fix:)


They make their own roast duck RD. too Kat! ;o)


Wow, the steamed pork and salted fish brings back comfort food memories! I'll bet they "drained" the liquid before placing it in the to-go container.


Perhaps you're right Sandy.....which would be a bummer, since it's one of the Missus's favorites at Noble Chef. Hope all is well!


Mmm... I picked up a whole duck last week. :-)


The Missus is happy to see that Noble Chef is back Soo.


Wonder how the duck would turn out crisped up in an air fryer?


I think it might turn out quite well Junichi! You just have to make sure it doesn't dry out and baste with the jus at the end. Let me know how it turns out if you try it!

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