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Wednesday, 24 June 2020



I love reading about your travels, especially the meals.

Reading this, at this time, is such a hopeful, wonderful reminder that the world, and adventure, awaits. The history isn't going anywhere, nor is the architecture or culture. Eventually, things will go back to normal, it'll probably take a long time, but time goes by quickly when you have an adventure planned that you're waiting for.

I was going to go to Iran this year (I'm fascinated by the Zoroastrian sites, and I probably won't make it till 22 or 23, considering all the health standards that need to be in place, and the airlines need to get back to normal (and normal pricing). But Iran isn't going anywhere. Nor is any other country. We'll all get to where we want to go to soon enough. Till then, we get to read your wonderful reminders of travel, and live vicariously through you and the Missus.


Bummer about not being able to travel to Iran H! Thanks so much for the kind words. I've been wondering if posting on our travels during this time would seem a bit much; but am encouraged by all the comments. I'm hoping we return to some form of normalcy fairly soon......because, like you said, all that this wonderful world has for us awaits. Take care and thanks again for commenting!


what a wonderful meal!


It was a fabulous meal Kat!


That Shibuya stop sounded unusual (and cool). Is that something they do with all the diners? Have you experienced that at other restaurants?


I have been to Munich so many times, and it's never crossed my mind to venture into anything outside of Bavarian food while there. This is really an awesome post.

I'm so frustrated with not being on planes, and this is very much a relief for me. Don't hesitate to post from the past!


I'm not sure Jan....many times restaurants with multiple Michelin Stars will have an interesting "experience".....Azurmendi for example. We loved the vibe was indeed quite fun.

Thanks Dereck! I will keep on with the travel posts......

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