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« Covid-19 Takeout - Luce Bar & Kitchen; which is now also open for dine-in | Main | mmm-yoso makes 15. »

Sunday, 24 May 2020



Six cocktails, Nice work! Happy Memorial Day! Hope you guys get the day off to relax.


Yay! Glad you got the kindred take-out—those skewers are one of the *best* things on a menu that is full of good options!

And thanks! Matthew and I love you guys too! Your blog and restaurant expertise(and great sense of humor) have guided us so faithfully around the San Diego food scene ever since I started reading mmm-yoso in preparation for moving to SD(way back in 2006!!) so thank you! :) <3


drinking has increased in japan too...hoping they put the dip you love on their takeout menu.


Thanks RD! Hope all is well!

Thanks for reminding us about Kindred Lynnea! Also, thanks for having read and commented on ourl ittle blog since.....whoa....2006.

I hope I see that on the menu soon Kat! Take care!


And on a side note, I just read that Menya stopped offering dine-in, they shut it down after one weekend. I guess it was too much trouble trying to manage both take out and dine in.


Well that didn't last long Jason! I'm sure the limited space, different regulations and such would be a major pain Jason.


Six cocktails! That's definitely a party to-go. I too will stay away from dining in. Too many restrictions to make it worthwhile.


Lol Junichi.....I'm too old for the "party to go"! We're waiting things out a bit before jumping into the "dining in" pool.

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