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Monday, 20 April 2020





It was Kat!


Thanks for the shout out Kirk! We've started picking up the Stay Home kit and having it over a couple days since the noodles are uncooked and everything is already chilled.




I guess I need to try that out Jason!

It was very good RD!

Som Tommy

That looks delicious


It's definitely worth a try ST!


Nicely organized!


VERY cool! Sounds much better than the ramen "kit" I bought at the Don Quijote in Akihabara a couple months back. Though I must say, all things being relative, it was better than a cellophane "dime bag." ;)


They seemed to be quite organized Soo!

I have no idea what a "dime bag" is Jan! ;o) You might want to give Menya a shot. Haven't been to the MM location, but my friends tell me they are also doing a good job.


Got takeout from the Mira Mesa location, and the setup and packaging are similar to what you described. I tried to call while driving there, but ended up placing the order in-person. Still wasn't a long wait. We reheated the broth, but my daughter dumped everything in the bowl. Next time, we'll do more prep, following your instructions!


That's good info on the MM location! Thanks Sandy!


We tried Menya take-out as well earlier this month and I also liked the organization. I also thought it was nice not having to wait in their usually long line. Kind of hoping they will continue to have take-out option later when they are fully reopened.


I hope so too Kirbie, as this was quite good! Hope all is well and everyone in the household is in good health! Take care!

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