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Friday, 27 March 2020



Almost sounds like you are eating better in than you usually do out. ;)


The Missus thinks so's just the amount of work that has to go into this....


Frankie doesn’t look quite sure :D but he sure looks cute!!! I Love both Joe Yonan and Jacque Pepin’s recipes! Your soups are looking delicious:)


Your homecooked meals are quite appealing! Looks very delicious! Your Missus is a lucky lady to have you as the cook!


poor frankie! glad you are eating well, take care!


Yes, he's a bit puzzled to say the least Lynnea. Hope both Matthew and you are doing well.

I'll make sure to remind her of that CC! ;o)

Hope all is well with the both of you Kat!


"...starting the mushrooms in a dry pan..."

Are you toasting dry mushrooms, like you'd do with dried peppers? Frankie does look as if he does not want to be part of a meal kit.


Hi ALNC - Not really, I start the mushrooms in a cold, dry pan. What this does is, as the heat increases excess moisture will be released from the mushrooms - it also develops a nice "fond". Once the mushroom start sizzling a bit, I mix, wait a few minutes, then start adding aromatics in - the garlic shallots, etc.....then I add oil. Once things get going I deglaze with wine.


FRANKIE!!! adorable as usual and i can't believe he's almost 17! =)


Frankie thanks you Dancing! ;o)

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