***** Some really great comments on this post. Check them out!
Unless you've just returned from several months on another planet; you know about our current Covid-19 outbreak. So, I'm just going to mostly go with photos....with just a smidge of text.
The first time I really ran into things was when I needed to make food for Frankie....I needed chicken thighs; I usually get them from Costco...but heck, there's no way I was going to make it in there. So, I tried to find some....going to everywhere from Sprouts....to Smart and Final....to Zion Market.....etc, etc, etc......
I finally found some at Sprouts on Genesee and managed to make him some food....I'm going to have to make more this weekend; but things have gotten a bit under control.....though I think rice (and toilet paper) seem to be in demand.
And soon enough, there were limits placed......
Along with modified hours.
And now, with social distancing in place......there are limits on amount of folks allowed in at once. I first ran into this at Seisels.
Here's the line today at Nijiya around 1030. They are opening at 10am and will close at 6pm.
It was very orderly and wonderful young lady working would ask if you want a basket or wagon and would spray sanitizer on it before turning it over to you.
And overall, I have noticed that people have been kind, thoughtful, and patient......other than that guy at Costco Gas who yelled at me, "you people are why we have Coronavirus". There's always one, isn't there?
And heck, if you're wondering if you have enough TP; you might want to use this tool (???). According to this I should have enough for 48 days at least.
I hope you are all in good health. Hang in there!
Same to you Kirk; stay healthy and safe out there!
Posted by: Hangzhou Hero | Sunday, 22 March 2020 at 07:47 PM
Glad Frankie got his chicken thighs! :) and glad you and the Missus are hanging in there! other than a friend having to bring us TP and having a slight shortage on eggs last week, we’re doing fine :D
Posted by: Lynnea | Sunday, 22 March 2020 at 09:55 PM
glad frankie got chicken thighs! stay safe & healthy you guys!
Posted by: kat | Sunday, 22 March 2020 at 10:46 PM
Love the toilet paper calculator. I didn't see a line at our Sprouts on Saturday between 4-5 but there was a small line into Vons when we did a neighborhood walk around 6ish. Sprouts had chicken breasts and was stocked on veggies yay!
Posted by: Lynn | Sunday, 22 March 2020 at 11:00 PM
Stay safe HH!
Yeah, boy were we relieved....though I gotta make another batch this week Lynnea. Hope you and Matthew are doing ok.
We were too Kat!
I think things might be settling down a bit Lynn....though no toilet paper or hand sanitizer in sight. The bottle neck now is the limited access. I hope all is well!
Posted by: Kirk | Monday, 23 March 2020 at 06:29 AM
LOl, didn't know you were one of those people. Stay safe.
Posted by: Kobi | Monday, 23 March 2020 at 09:30 AM
I am everyman Kobi! ;o) - "Everyman is me. I am his brother. No man is my enemy. I am Everyman and he is in and of me."
Posted by: Kirk | Monday, 23 March 2020 at 09:35 AM
There's always one, isn't there?"
That is one too many.
Posted by: alnc | Monday, 23 March 2020 at 09:49 AM
Yes....there always is ALNC. And he was so brave to yell that at me as he drove away.
Posted by: Kirk | Monday, 23 March 2020 at 10:07 AM
Sorry you experienced that Kirk, makes me so sad. Since moving down from LA I’ve noticed open racism is more common down here.
On a brighter note, I’ve been mining your old recipes and found much gold and quite a bit of Agave syrup as well 😂 (used your bbq chicken recipe to make musubi for my lunch for week—essential worker)
Posted by: RedDevil | Monday, 23 March 2020 at 11:08 AM
That's good you found what you needed. I didn't want to try the line at Costco either.
Posted by: Soo | Monday, 23 March 2020 at 01:50 PM
Definitely weird times indeed. Hopefully you got down to Catalina OP to get some of that ahi tuna they have on sale.
Posted by: Jason | Monday, 23 March 2020 at 02:10 PM
I'm glad you found some use for those recipes RD! And yes; I am fond of Agave Syrup!
It was crazy Soo.....you stood in line to be let into Costco.....
Sorry to say I didn't Jason.....been worknig essentially every day.
Posted by: Kirk | Monday, 23 March 2020 at 02:25 PM
Get a bidet. They are a revelation.
Did the guy at Costco yell at you because you are Asian?
Looks like people are going to the Asian markets now. They were my go-to’s lately but looks like they’re now getting bare too. Mexican supermarkets have also been my go to.
Stay safe and healthy
Posted by: Denver | Monday, 23 March 2020 at 03:55 PM
I have a portable bidet. They're a lifesaver in this crazy environment. Sucks you had to encounter that person. Bad times brings out the worst in some people.
Posted by: Junichi | Tuesday, 24 March 2020 at 11:18 AM
Hope you're doing well.
I did find that 99 ranch market was better stocked than most places, so I've been going there. They're also not doing this asinine "only so many people allowed at a time" inside thing. People are keeping their distance but it's not as ridiculous.
Posted by: Loren | Tuesday, 24 March 2020 at 11:39 AM
Hi Denver - We were looking at those Japanese toilets; but our house is so old that getting it put in sucks Denver. Yeah, the guy yelled at me because I'm Asian. The Asian Markets were hosed initially - if you look at the photos; they are from 99Ranch, Zion, HMart, and Nijiya. Nijiya is not bad right now - though out of tofu until Thursday. Carnival Market has been a stop for me recently.
Though I've got to say, most folks have been quite gracious and patient Junichi.
Hi Loren - 99 Ranch was really empty initially, but they are catching up....though I've heard that employees have been told not to restock certain items until told. Take care!
Posted by: Kirk | Tuesday, 24 March 2020 at 12:57 PM
You can buy a bidet attachment that fits under the toilet seat so you don't have to buy a whole new toilet. They're about $45 and got mine from Amazon. They work well and pretty easy to install.
Yeah Carnival is a hidden gem
Posted by: Denver | Tuesday, 24 March 2020 at 03:59 PM
We were looking at the Toto Washlet 350E Denver - it's the toilet seat, like what we encounter in Japan, we wouldn't have to change the toilet. However, because we have the old plaster walls and no electrical near the toilet, the wiring work would be $$$.
Posted by: Kirk | Wednesday, 25 March 2020 at 07:47 AM
Aloha, yesterday at 8:00 AM I drove to Morena Costco to take advantage of the Senior hour. It looked like Black Friday, Christmas and Thanksgiving combined. I turned around. I returned at 6:30 PM
and it was the emptiest I have ever seen it. It was joyful (it really was) to have access to just about everything except TP which I did not need. Also, Vons after 7 is empty as well. Share this tip with your viewers. It is truly safer and an amazing experience.
Posted by: John M. Dowd | Wednesday, 25 March 2020 at 03:26 PM