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Thursday, 19 March 2020



I hope somebody saves Bay Hill Tavern... Meanwhile I'm trying to adapt to takeout.


Can you give the ingredients/recipe for the cream of mushroom and cream of cauliflower soups? Hope you and the Missus are staying safe and well.


The ABC just announced that they are tweaking growler fill rules. You can now get growler fills as long as you also order food. Saw it on O'Brien's FB.

I went grocery shopping last night for the first time in a week. Interesting to see certain items being cleaned out completely. I knew canned goods, pasta and rice were gonna be out. But chicken too?


I hope they do well Soo.

Let me do a post Faye.

Yes, I needed to make food for frankie and there was no chicken to be had Junichi. But it's getting better.


We are also trying to support local restaurants. Industry is getting decimated, so sad. Best wishes to you and all your readers.

Som Tommy

Doing this stay at home stuff and am missing travel posts


They illegalized dining in restaurants as of this Fri night in Honolulu. Take out and pick-ups allowed.


take care & stay safe!


hope all is as well as can be RD!

Hi ST.....hmmm.....perhaps I will do a couple of those. Thanks for the suggestion.

Hi RonW - That's basically he new norm in larger cities it seem. While the circumstances aren't particularly great; it is nice to hear from you. I hope all is well.

You too Kat!

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