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Sunday, 09 February 2020



Those shrooms looks delici-yoso.


I made some Japanese cream stew yesterday. Used the pre-made stuff but loaded it up with mushrooms and veggies. Hit the spot on a rainy day.


They turned out better than I thought Kobi! Hope all is well, nice to hear from you.

Sounds great for the weather Junichi!


Great post. Thanks for the heads up about Rancho Gordo. It's really worth it to get dried beans that haven't been stored for a long time.I get a big bag of pintos when I'm in NM. Nice variety, too.

Derek R

#1 - I'm going to try your miso mushrooms - they look amazing #2 where do you buy your Merguez? #3 once you get your pozole recipe down where you're happy we need a cooking/recipe post!


Hi alnc - The beans from Rancho Gordo are really high quality.

Hi Derek - Let me know if you want the exact recipe for those mushrooms. This merguez came from Bristol Farms. I had picked them up for another use, but decided not to use them for that. I'll go ahead and do a pozole post when I've got the recipe we enjoy the most.


Kirk-Speaking of high quality, are you familiar with Anson Mills? Lots of great stuff in the corn, rice, and grains.


yummy dishes from your kitchen!


Hi alnc - Yes, I've thought about ordering polenta and grits from them before. Thanks for the reminder.

Thanks Kat!

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