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Monday, 27 January 2020



mixed bag


Odd spot for a restaurant. Bet they do good business with the locals.


Yeah, really +/- Kat.

I'm sure they do Junichi. I was told it's the only restaurant on Mount Soledad!


According to that four lettered site, it's been around since 2014 and was owned (not sure if still true) by the owner of J & T Thai. This really flew under the radar, didn't it.


That's interesting CC. The food here is quite different. Who would've thought of a Thai restaurant on Mount Soledad.


It is such a strange location. We went there after I discovered it when working for the Registrar of Voters for one of the elections. It was a nice French Restaurant then; when we returned, it had closed.


Yes, it's quite a strange location....but they look like they're doing pretty good business Cathy.


That's good the chicken wings are good when fresh.


Yes, but it was on the greasy side and got soft fairly quickly Soo.

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