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Monday, 14 October 2019





Kirk: I think you folks have more "plate lunch" choices where you live vs. me in the Phoenix area. The few places here all have the standard stuff -- teri chicken, teri beef, kalbi (maybe), chicken katsu, tonkatsu, and kalua pig and cabbage (a poor imitation). I really miss the plate lunch places I used to frequent in Honolulu. I could get s/s spareribs, hamburger steak and grilled onions, pork cutlet, beef stew, curry stew, etc. etc. You get the picture. I really hate to cook everyday, but to find simple comfort food here is difficult.


I know Kat...bummer....

Hi Alan - Man, do I miss a good local style beef stew...or decent teri beef sandwich! That's a bummer about having only what seems to be the bsic "Hawaiian BBQ" fare. I remember going to a plate lunch place in the late '90's when I was doing some consulting work in the PHX/Tempe area at a place named something like Aloha Kitchen maybe? Man, that was like over 20 years ago.


Kirk: Aloha kitchen is still here. The owner is now semi-retired and has essentially turned the operation over to his younger staff (I don't think they are family members). IMO the food quality has gone down an I think it is because the owner is not cooking or running the place now. They do have fried saimin on the menu, and they have Hawaiian food on the weekends. But I still want the variety that the old-school Hawaiian plate lunch places offered. I can still remember the messy "mixed plate" lunch that I used to get with a little of that and a little of this on the plate. Do you remember those places?


Oh man Alan - You just made me recall Masu's? Remember Masu's massive plate lunch? Geez, I'm getting old....


Yup; I remember Masu's Massive Plate Lunch. I used to love a favorite place on Sheridan Street (I forgot the name). I still go to eat at the original L&L on Liliha Street (the first one) whenever I go home to Honolulu, and it is still very good. I also used to love going to Kewalo Basin and eating plate lunch from the lunch wagons there. Man, those were the good old days.


I remember Hana Chicken near Sheridan; the old Masu's was on Makaloa. I fondly recall Tsukenjo's, which I think is still around. I miss places like Tanoue's/Washington Saimin/Wo Fat/ Tin Tin/Bea's...all the Okazuya's/Aotani Fountain/Chicken Alice/Kaimuki Inn/Kuhio's a long list!


I had L+L a couple months ago when they catered a work event. It was ok. Better than my last trip to an L+L maybe 10 years ago.


So, your saying I should give L&L another try Soo? Ok....


I stick to the hand pulled noodles at Shann Xi. They're serviceable. Still need to check out Da Kine's.


I had that a while back Junichi and didn't are for it much...need to try it again one of these days.

Derek R

I still have a few go-to dishes I enjoy at Shann Xi - it definitely isn't perfect but by San Diego standards it's hit the spot. Via Da Kine’s, I haven't tried the Teri chicken yet but it'd be a bummer if it's not marinated. I agree about the rice, it's been hit and miss for me too. I stick to the kaula + katsu (though the teri beef was also surprisingly decent).


Even back in the "old days" I thought the teri chicken at Da' Kine's wasn't very good Derek. The rice there kinda goes "back and forth" strange.


Had to comment one more time: I finally remembered my old-time favorite plate lunch place....Torii's Lunch Room on Sheridan Street!!


Torii's....yeah, I remember that place Alan! Man, that goes back pretty far!


Yeah Kirk: I am an old-timer now. When I was in high school, I worked part time at Varsity Motors in Moiliili (across Beretania from I think the supermarket). I used to eat lunch at Maruzen, a small mom and pop lunch room where I could get a nice lunch for under $2, including a drink.


As am I Alan! ;o)

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