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Monday, 07 October 2019


Hangzhou Hero

Kirk, is spaghetti salad common as the substitute for mac? I can't quite imagine it as a pairing!


wow $45...


I've had it that way or as an addition to Mac Salad back home HH. Though most of the time it was with homemade mac salad at potlucks.

Yep, the kalua pig poke plate was $20 Kat!


The crowds tend to get smaller once the weather gets cooler.


Hopefully Junichi....hopefully...


You could always park somewhere in in Point Loma and hoof it. Didn't the missus make you do some super long treks on holiday? ;)


I save those walks for my vacation Jan!


We came up a with a good word to describe ubiquitous bad poke - McPoke (Mick-poke). So much bad poke out there. I'm glad to see some o them getting Darwined out of the food chain.


Lol John......yuck-poke.....

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