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Monday, 09 September 2019



hope their food will get less salty.


Wow - I remember when Da Kine's was THE place for Hawaiian local plates in SD. A co-worker took me to the PB location, and I had forgotten there was a Mira Mesa location. But do you know if Kona Kakes relocated?


I hope so too Kat! Though tis was pretty good overall!

Hi Sandy - Yes, Kona Kakes moved to Point Loma:

3960 W Point Loma Blvd
San Diego, CA 92110


The PB location was my first introduction to plate lunches in the late 90s. My friend told me about the LV opening last week. They close pretty early so I'll need to go on the weekend.


I hope you get a chance to check them out soon Junichi. I think Nelson will be expanding the hours soon as well.


The plate lunches look good!


Check them out Soo!

Som Tommy

Yes. Uncle Nelson is back.


Hi ST - Yes, Da Kine's is back in business.

Hangzhou Hero

That mac salad scoop is SERIOUS.


Thanks for the heads up, Kirk.

"Luckily, I have a bottle of Bull Dog Tonkatsu Sauce in my desk drawer" --love that!


Yes it is HH! Nice to hear from you!

Hi ALNC - Yeah, that bottle of Tonkatsu Sauce and the bottle of ponzu I have comes in handy from time-to-time. Great to hear form you; hope all is well.

Derek R

Went today for breakfast and was super happy. Reminded me of the old location. Had a katsu/kalua combo. Kalua was among the best I've had in Cali & the katsu & Mac salad were both solid. Katsu sauce was a little too ketchup heavy though. Only real bummer was their to-go soy sauce was the horrible/cheap "not actually soy sauce" soy sauce. Will definitely be back. Thanks for sharing the news Kirk!


Glad you made it Derek. I agree that the kalua pork there is probably the best in San Diego. Though that "Lucky Soy Sauce".....sigh. There's no soy in the soy sauce!


I went recently and brought my food next door so I could have an aloha sculpin with my meal :)


That sounds like a great combo Jack!

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