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Sunday, 28 July 2019



it’s been hit and humid here too, glad it has cooled down for you!


Yeah, it's a still a bit warm, but much cooler at night now Kat! Keep cool!

Derek R

This hot weather makes me want NRM and Thai beef salad!


Santouka used to do a hiyashi chuka during summer. Not sure if that's still a thing. I usually make it at home. Zaru soba and somen are also good during these hot summer days.


Hi Derek - NRM?!?!? Man, you're tough. We've been making our Thai Papaya runs the last two weeks as well.

I've tried the Hiyashi Chuka at Santouka twice Junichi. Didn't care for it much:

I've found that most places in San Diego tend to overcook their soba - have you noticed that as well? So, like you, I'll just make it at home.


I was in Paris for that 108 day. I would have given nearly anything to be in San Diego eating Hiyashi Chuka instead!


Oh man Dereck.....that's tough. I'd have died if we had stayed in an apartment without A/C on that day. Glad you survived! Though it's still Paris, right?


It was still Paris, and fantastic at that. I was at the Westin Vendome, so the A/C was highly valued. Invictus was good also.


Awesome Dereck!

Som Tommy

Bummer that you didn’t like the cold ramen at Karami. Better luck next time.


Hi ST - Thanks for the recommendation. It was interesting trying something a bit different.

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