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Sunday, 09 June 2019



nice but pricey.

Derek Ray

Glad to see it's the same owners. I saw the new sign the other day & was concerned about a drop in quality/options. Will have to drop in for a Mexicana.


Yeah, prices sure have gone up over the years Kat!

Yes, still the same owners Derek. And that young lady working during the mornings is so nice.


Nice looking spot. How are the donuts!


Not sure Soo......I'm not much of a sweets kind of guy. They do look a lot better than they did before.


Tasty looking tortas!


These were pretty good Junichi.

Derek R

I went twice this week to give them a retest. Similar to what you said, the Mexicana was good as usual but the fillings were scant + a much higher price (I remember when these were $4!). The second time I tried a Preparado ($3.50) - basically a bolillo with beans, cheese, jalapeño, mayo, & chorizo. It was good & filling but too much bread not enough stuff. Hopefully their fillings increase...

The Doughnuts were remarkably good though, I'd say they compete with the best Doughnuts in San Diego.


The prices sure have gone up quite a bit Derek and the amount of filling has gone down......

Derek R


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