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Wednesday, 12 June 2019



what a great start to a new adventure!


Budapest is beautiful Kat!


Read an article on BBC a while back about Hungary's new Holocaust museum opening. There's always 2 sides to a story.


Yes there is Junichi and history is written by the victorious. However, there are acts that are difficult to justify as a means to an end or as collateral damage based on what is known at the period in time. Sadly, we usually learn these things in retrospect.


Lovely looking city. Show memorial was cool!


Are those really scallops on BA? Were they edible? The last meal I had on BA in first would make me a little weary of ordering scallops in biz!

Christina C

I loved Budapest. We went there a year after we visited Prague and at first I wasn't sure about it, but I fell in love. It's a true city that didn't seem to care so much about appeasing tourists, but upon exploring, there was so many interesting things to see.


Budapest was beautiful Soo!

We were surprised at how good the food was on our BA flight Dereck. The scallops were decently seared and very sweet and tender.

Budapest was wonderful Christina!

Derek R

I don't know why it is but I love & am fancinated by your posts on travel/airport/airplane food.


Lol Derek! Glad there's something of "interest" in these posts!

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