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Monday, 13 May 2019



Pho Hoa-Huong! I once timed them with a stopwatch and they clocked in at 90 seconds from order to food hitting the table. My coworker was very amused.

I haven't had pho that fast or old school in Seattle; the places in my lunch range are very kinder and gentler and slower and expensive.

Example 1: (I don't know how they justify these prices for that food)

Example 2: (this one is popular with MrsZ and YoungerZ)


that was a nice amount of basil!


Looks like "pho not to offend" Mr Z! Nice to hear from you; hope all is well.

It was Kat!


Pho Hoa LV is still my favorite bowl in that area. My go-to hangover or cold cure.


They sure delivered for me this time around Junichi!

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