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Thursday, 16 May 2019



love fish sandwiches! what a nice variety.


I agree, Kat- an often ignored/forgotten part of fast food menus and usually a wonderful meal.


Interesting... I never had a tuna pie.


It's kind of a new craving for me, Soo. The fried pie crust surrounding tuna (no-noodle) casserole is a great combination of textures and flavors. Jollibee is now a destination.


Interesting post! Thanks! Looking forward to your upcoming fair post too!


I have a soft spot for McDonalds' Filet-O-Fish sandwiches! I have heard ads that the sandwich is now part of the 2 for $5 specials.


Thanks, RD. Seem to write about the same places, so mixing it up a bit. {I should have three Fair posts (Before-During-After)this year, probably the first will go up the day before opening}.

Oh yes, Sandy, Filet o' Fish was mentioned in only two other posts...but it's absolutely my favorite. It depends on the store if the 2 for $5 for F-o-F is available. They all seem to have the Friday special though.


Nice round up Cathy! I am curious about Jollibee's tuna pie, since it looks like a fish version of their fried apple pie, ha ha. My mom once made lumpias with tuna (mini ones) and they weren't too bad.


Thanks, cc (also thanks for your help; what a year!). The tuna pie is quite good and will be sought out when I am in the area of a Jollibee. Your mom's lumpia are a similar idea!

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