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Saturday, 25 May 2019



The bears are cool! I'm interested in trying the chicken pot pie on the dinner menu.


Oh, I didn't know there was now a Black Bear Diner now in San Diego! I have seen their tv ads, and always wondered how it was. Hmmm, I guess there are no longer any Coco's restaurants, at least in SD. The one in Poway was torn down, and they're building a Chick-Fil-A.


dry biscuit not good, everything else looked great!


So many cute bears wherever you look, Soo. So much looks interesting and I would like to 'compare' the pot pie, too. The Breakfast and Lunch menus are served all day, the Dinners start at 4.

There are 45 Coco's in three states and eight Carrows in California left, Sandy; it's sad that such a restaurant style is fading away. Black Bear will be a semi-regular stop for us...but maybe for the "Little Less" menu choices.

It was really nice, Kat. The biscuit wasn't bad at first but I could tell it wouldn't do well for the long term.


I visited and tried the chicken pot pie. It was great!


What a great post, Soo! It's good to know you drove out this way and got to visit this interesting chain without having to be on vacation.

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