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Monday, 01 April 2019


Derek R

Four for four! Woot! Also - I'm stealing your idea of a cheese journal.


cheese journal, nice!


You can actually get formatted Cheese Journals on Amazon Derek.

I'm having fun with it Kat!


I like to take notes on all the beers I drink. So if I come across it again I can check if I liked it or not.


I had thought about doing a beer journal Junichi. But decided it would get way too large! ;o)


I've been going to the LI farmers market. Recently found Assenti's - their freshly sliced parma prosciutto was to die for. Also, there's a jam vendor at the FM - Jackie's Jams. They have two new flavors : truffle fig and balsamic fig. Both are sweet but the balsamic fig would go nicely with that cheese plate of yours (and a warm crusty baguette). Is there still a Venissimo in North County?


Hi Faye - Hopefully, one of these days you get to taste the Prosciutto in Parma; or even better Culatello. I believe Venissimo's Del Mar location is still open. Though after checking out the NP and Liberty Station locations; I find the selection and expertise at the Mission Hills shop is still the best.

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